Last amended February 2024.
The name of the Club shall be the Edinburgh University Hillwalking Club (hereinafter referred to as the Club). The Club shall be an affiliated member of Mountaineering Scotland.
The object of the Club shall be to promote participation in hill walking by organising walks. Both day and weekend trips shall be arranged.
The qualification for membership shall be membership of E.U. Sports Union.
Non-Edinburgh University students will be able to apply for membership of the Club (and hence of EUSU) if they meet the requirements as set out by EUSU.
The Club shall be under the jurisdiction of E.U.S.U., shall send a representative to each meeting of its General Committee and may nominate candidates for its Officers and Executive Committee.
The Club may appoint at its A.G.M. an Hon. President. In addition, the officials of the Club to be elected at its A.G.M. shall be:
- President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Alumni Officer
- Publicity Officer
- Any other positions which members should wish to stand for
The Committee shall never consist of more than 13 members, not including any Hon. President.
No person can at the same time hold more than one of the positions of President, Secretary or Treasurer.
The affairs of the Club shall be managed by a Committee as elected at its A.G.M. All Committee members shall be members of the Club.
The Committee may fill such vacancies as arise.
a. The President shall take the chair at meetings and assume overall responsibility for the running of Club trips. They shall delegate responsibility for trips to other members of the Committee as they think fit. Any other Committee member may take the chair in the absence of, or with the permission of, the President.
b. The Secretary shall be responsible for the Club’s administration. The Secretary shall manage the Club’s membership records, keep minutes, keep other official Club records and liaise with the Sports Union, other university bodies and the MS.
c. The Treasurer shall keep the Accounts of the Club in the proper form and shall attend to any financial transactions that the Club may have. This will include the settling of charges for trips and the collection of membership fees. The Treasurer will be responsible for ensuring the annual audit of the Accounts.
The auditor to the Club shall be the Treasurer to E.U.S.U.
The Club may charge such fees as the Committee see fit. It may raise money as it sees fit.
The Club shall open a bank account in its name subject to it first having obtained the approval of the General Committee of E.U.S.U.
a. Annual General Meeting (AGM)
- This shall be held in Semester Two according to the SU deadline. Notice shall be given to the membership at least 7 days beforehand unless the Committee decide in the circumstances that shorter notice will be sufficient.
- The quorum for an AGM shall be one-third of club membership or 30 members, whichever is the minimum.
- Any member of the club (regardless of whether they are a University of Edinburgh student) can vote in the AGM.
- Any member of the club can stand for and hold a committee position (with the exception of President, Secretary or Treasurer).
- If at least one candidate stands in an election, the following rules shall apply:
· Voting will be by secret ballot.
· Each member shall have exactly as many votes as there are positions to be filled in that election.
· Each member shall use each of their votes to either: vote for a candidate, vote to re-open nominations, or abstain.
· No member shall vote for the same candidate more than once in the same election.
· No member shall vote to re-open nominations more than once in the same election.
· If at any time, a plurality favours re-opening nominations, the election shall end and any remaining positions shall not be filled in that meeting.
· Whichever candidate has a plurality shall be elected until all positions are filled or there is a tie.
· In the event of a tie, the candidates with the smallest number of votes shall be eliminated and a new election held with the remaining candidates for the remaining positions, unless eliminating the candidates with the smallest number of votes would leave fewer candidates than there are remaining positions.
· In the event of a tie, where eliminating the candidates with the smallest number of votes would leave fewer candidates than there are remaining positions, the Chairperson shall have a casting and deliberative vote. If after this, there remains at least one candidate and at least one position to be filled, a new election shall be held with the remaining candidates for the remaining positions. Otherwise, the election shall end and any remaining positions shall not be filled in that meeting.
6. Extraordinary general meeting (EGM)
· An EGM may be called by any official or by five members.
· The notice period for an EGM is the same as for an AGM.
· Voting at an EGM will follow the same procedures as for an AGM.
· If required under the rules or constitution of the E.U.S.U, any relevant decision must be intimated.
The Committee will meet at least once per term and as often as seems appropriate. A quorum of the Committee shall be three.
a. To arrange trips, ensuring that there are enough walk organisers on each trip and that appropriate equipment is available. This will take the form of maps, compasses, and survival bags plus appropriate Winter gear. See Safety document.
b. To discuss with the Treasurer the use of the Sports Union grant and their Club funds. This will involve among other things determining the cost of each trip.
The Club retains the right to refuse access to a meet to any member who attends without adequate equipment as specified in the information provided to members prior to the meet.
Accommodation on Weekend meets will usually utilise Youth Hostels but may be based elsewhere as the Committee considers appropriate.
Walks will be organised by more experienced members of the Club. Other members on the trip will then choose which walk to go on. The Committee has the right to cancel trips if conditions are inappropriate. The walks will be vetted by the Trip Co-ordinator.
The Committee shall nominate members who have been excellent club servants, usually over more than one year, to the E. U. S. U. for Colours as they see fit.
It may be altered by a 2/3 majority of those present at the Annual General Meeting. This is subject to ratification by the next A.G.M. of E.U.S.U.